#Top Ten Tuesday – Authors I’d Love a New Book From

Hey Bibliofriends,

Happy Tuesday! I was so excited when I heard about this week’s theme. I feel like we are an incredibly lucky book community as we get so many fantastic releases each and every month, yet sometimes it seems that we’re just pining after something new from one of our favourite authors – enter todays Top Ten Tuesday theme! This week, we are considering which authors we would kill to have some new materials from, be it old/new, dead/alive, this floor is wipe open for the theorising! If you don’t already know, Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly, list-themed book prompt hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

Authors I’d Love a New Book From

Carlos Ruiz Zafôn
I was so shocked to hear of Zafôn’s unfortunate passing back in 2020 and it made me sad to think that there would come a point where I read the last novel I ever could from his repertoire. That book, The Labyrinth of the Spirits, is still sat on my shelves because I can’t quite bear to pick it up yet knowing that to do so will be the final time. If there’s anyone I would be craving future releases from, it would definitely be this Spanish literary hero!

William Shakespeare
I keep imaging how different a writer Shakespeare might be if he were writing nowadays? My brain has loads of fun imagining his opinion on the Gen Z generation, or if he would like pizzas and make his Tik Tok videos in iambic pentameter… a new book from him in today’s era would probably be completely wild!

William Blake
William Blake is one of my all-time favourite poets. I like the dark, gothic references he weaved into his Songs of Innocence and of Experience. If he brought out a new anthology, it’d definitely be on my preorder list.

Sarah J Maas
I don’t think there will ever be a point when I get enough of Maas’ writing! It’s one of those ‘crowds were chanting MORE’ moments, even though we got 900-odd pages in January, I’m still impatiently waiting for the next release!

George R. R. Martin
I’m still listening to A Dance with Dragons on audiobook, but my Goodreads also still lists there being two more unreleased titles to come in The Song of Ice and Fire series… I’d love it if we could get the final two… pretty please?!

Ernest Cline
After loving Ready Player One and Ready Player Two so passionately, I am 100% ready for a little more Ernest Cline in my life. Armada is already sat in the TBR pile, but if we were to get a Ready Player Three and spend more time exploring the OASIS and the live of Wade Watts or even Anorak – yes please!

J. R. R. Tolkien
Again, another classic author – and again, another author whose back catalogue I haven’t completely exhausted yet, but just how good would a return to Middle Earth be…?! 🙏

Neil Gaiman
I’ve devoured pretty much all of Neil Gaiman’s stories and I’m so eager for a new, adult fantasy from him to get my teeth into.

Dan Brown
I’m a bit of a treasure hunter / conspiracy theory nerd! I know the Robert Langdon ship has probably exhausted itself but I really enjoyed the way Brown blended fiction, history and art together in these weirdly sinister mysteries.

Angela Carter
Nobody quite writes a bloodthirsty feminist fairytale retelling quite like Angela Carter! The Bloody Chamber remains one of my favourite short-story and fairytale retelling collections of all and if the Magic Mirror is going to grant me anything, it would be another book from this genius of a writer.

Which authors are you desperate to get more books from? Feel free to leave me your link so I can visit your own TTT post! As always, drop me a comment to chat!

T xx

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